These Astonishing Vintage Photographs Show Just How Tough Kids Raised in Yesteryear Were


Those were the days before they put the word ‘care’ into childcare. Author Chris Wild has unearthed some astonishing historic photos for his book — The Retronaut Guide To Raising Children: The Past Like You Wouldn’t Believe.

These pictures show just how tough kids raised in yesteryear were. A far cry from the cotton wool parenting of today - parents of the past raised their kids tough. While the Mumsnet generation of parents must be reaching for the smelling salts, we can only say: Please, don’t try this at home!

Got a light, kid? These kids look far too experienced at smoking cigarettes for their age.


These Astonishing Vintage Photographs Show Just How Tough Kids Raised in Yesteryear Were

Hung out to dry: These babies certainly don't look like they are enjoying hanging out the washing.


These Astonishing Vintage Photographs Show Just How Tough Kids Raised in Yesteryear Were

Fighting fit: Baby boys given tiny boxing gloves in a makeshift boxing ring.


These Astonishing Vintage Photographs Show Just How Tough Kids Raised in Yesteryear Were

Children receiving sun ray treatment at the child welfare centre in Harrow Road, west London. It was thought the treatment prevented anaemia and chest infections.


These Astonishing Vintage Photographs Show Just How Tough Kids Raised in Yesteryear Were

Synchronised swimming: Novice bather's learn on a 'merry go-round' at their school in Cincinnati in 1930.


These Astonishing Vintage Photographs Show Just How Tough Kids Raised in Yesteryear Were

That's one way of making sure your baby gets fresh air. This baby is suspended in a wire cage hanging from an apartment block.


These Astonishing Vintage Photographs Show Just How Tough Kids Raised in Yesteryear Were

Children sleeping on the roof of a school, for orphans.


These Astonishing Vintage Photographs Show Just How Tough Kids Raised in Yesteryear Were

A toddler is left in an empty mesh rubbish bin while his brothers have gone to play.


These Astonishing Vintage Photographs Show Just How Tough Kids Raised in Yesteryear Were

This concerned mother fastened a sign to her son asking motorists to watch out for him.


These Astonishing Vintage Photographs Show Just How Tough Kids Raised in Yesteryear Were

A day nursery in the East End of London, where the children shelter in a linen cupboard during an air raid.